Learn with your dog

Classes ranging from puppy to certificate

All dogs accepted! Learn to control your dog, socialize it with other dogs and learn the steps to becoming a certificate ready pooch! Compete in our yearly obedience trial. Beginners to advanced all dogs are welcome!

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Class Intakes

Training Days


  • No events

Classes for all skill levels

Puppy Classes

Socialize your dog, Learn the basics of sit, stay and grow together as a team.

Companion Classes

Take your pooch to the next level with recalls and advanced stays.


Become one as you and your pooch masters the skills to compete at a certificate level.


CCD, Novice, Open and Rally-O trialing classes will prepare you to take on different types of obedience trials



AGM 2019

Notification is hereby given westernport obedience dog club is holding their Annual General Meeting on Sunday 7th July at 11.30 after training All financial members welcome Light Refreshment will be provided


Notice is hereby given the Westernport Obedience dog club inc is holding their AGM on Sunday 1st of July at 11:15am in the Club rooms.

All financial members are welcome to attend. An agenda will be placed on the noticeboard in the club rooms.

Executive committee and general committee positions up for re-election.